The organizing committee of the 1st International Conference on Research in Sonorities invites all researchers who participated and presented work in person at the event to submit articles for the printed book of the conference. We developed a different and unusual format for the publication. The traditional chapters will be interspersed with descriptions of artistic performances – short texts in which lecturers who performed, workshops, artistic installations or described their sound art in a work presentation could succinctly describe them, accompanied by a specific link in the domainwww.sonoridades.netwhere we can host sound, visual or audiovisual files..
In principle, we will have 16 chapters and 17 interventions, but this number may vary.
Important rules:
THEME: we request that you send the complete article, maintaining the theme of the abstract published in theannals. We studied the possibility of articulating works and authors with related research in a single article proposal, as long as it deals with the articulation of the respective presentations made at the I CIPS. In this case, we ask that interested parties consult us by email urgently, presenting this alternative proposal to assess whether it is viable.
ARTICLE FORMATTING: Articles must be sent in .doc or .docx format, with a maximum of 15 pages (illustrations, tables, annexes and references included) using the standard submission template provided at the following address:template for chapters. The text must present objective(s), methodology, theoretical framework, research problem and final considerations and must also emphasize its adherence to one of the 5 axes of the call for papers. Texts in other formats will not be evaluated.
FORMATTING THE ARTISTIC PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION: the text should have a maximum of two pages, using the standard submission template provided at the following address:template for artistic performance description. Audio, video and photo files may be hosted on the event's website. In this way, the author can refer the reader to the site if he wants him to hear or see his materials. If so, the author should send this material for analysis, preferably viahttps://wetransfer.com. Texts in other formats will not be evaluated.
AUTHORSHIP: an author can only sign a single article or artistic intervention. Articles and interventions can be signed by more than one person, and we encourage this practice, as long as at least one of these people has participated by presenting work at I CIPS. If the same author signs two submissions, both will be automatically eliminated from the evaluation.
EVALUATION: The texts and interventions will be screened by the scientific committee of the I CIPS, which will choose the most appropriate texts. As evaluation criteria, the following will be considered:
Adherence to the general theme of the conference
Link to the abstract presented at the conference
Current references and proposed discussions
Density of analysis
clarity of wording
AUTHORS: Submission of the complete article or artistic intervention: until 9/1;
REVIEWERS: Submission of opinion (accepted, accepted with changes, rejected) - until 9/29;
AUTHORS: Submission of the second version (in case of requested alteration) - until 10/15;
EDITORS: Final disclosure of approved texts and interventions - by 10/25.
The Organizing Committee of the First International Conference on Sonority Research invites all researchers who attended and presented papers at the event to submit chapters to the printed book of the conference. We prepared a different format for the publication. The traditional chapters will be intertwined with descriptions of artistic performances - short texts in which the lecturers who presented performances, workshops, artistic installations or analyzed their sound art in their presentations could describe them succinctly, accompanied by a specific link at our web page www. sonoridades.net where we can host audio, visual or audiovisual files.
We intend to have 16 chapters and 17 interventions, but this number may vary.
Important rules:
THEME: we request the submission of the complete article keeping the abstract theme published in theannals. We study the possibility of articulating papers and authors with related researches in a single article proposal, as long as it is the articulation of the respective presentations at I CIPS. In this case, we ask interested parties to consult us by email urgently, presenting this alternative proposal to evaluate if it is feasible.
FORMATTING OF CHAPTER: Articles must be sent in .doc or .docx format, with a maximum of 15 pages (illustrations, tables, annexes and references included) using the standard submission template provided at the following address:_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_template for chapters. The text should present objective(s), methodology, theoretical reference, research problem and final considerations and should also accentuate its adherence to one of the 5 axes of the Conference's call for papers. No texts will be evaluated in other formats.
FORMATTING DESCRIPTION OF ARTISTIC PERFORMANCE: The text should have a maximum of two pages, using the standard submission template provided at the following address:template for descriptions of artistic performance. Audio, video and photo files can be hosted at the event website. Thus, the author can refer the reader to the site if he or she wants to hear or see their materials. If so, the author should submit this material for review, preferably viahttps://wetransfer.com. No texts will be evaluated in other formats.
AUTHORSHIP: An author may submit only a single article or artistic intervention. Articles and interventions may be submitted by more than one person, and we encourage such practice, as long as at least one of those people have participated in the conference by presenting a paper in I CIPS. If the same author signs two submissions, both submissions are automatically ruled out from the evaluation.
EVALUATION: The texts and interventions will be reviewed by the scientific committee of I CIPS, which will choose the most appropriate texts.
As evaluation criteria, the following topics will be considered:
Adherence to the general theme of the conference
Relation to the abstract presented at the conference
Current level of references and proposed discussions
Analysis Density
clarity of writing
AUTHORS: Full article submission or artistic intervention: until 1/9;
OPINIONS: Submission of opinion (accepted, accepted with corrections, rejected) - until 9/29;
AUTHORS: Submission of the second version (in case of requested change) - until 10/15;
EDITORS: Final decision on texts and approved interventions - until 10/25.